+358442003633 IG @westninni
I’m a photographer based in Helsinki, Finland. I keep my eyes open for playfulness and sensibility. For me creativity is everywhere; in my studio, kitchen or garden.
IG @ninniwestphoto
Ninni West is a photographer based in Helsinki, Finland. She focuses in fun styling, strong brand identeties and social media material that stands out. Her forever source of inspiration are kawaii culture and alternative fashion.
City of Helsinki, Nordic Buddies, Anni Ruuth, Hel Goods, Helsinki Outlet, Oriola, Arktis Furniture.
I love taking staff portraits and I feel more businesses should invest in quality photos of their staff. But me liking these types of assignments is not the only reason why I think every employer should order portraits of their team members! Here are 3+1 reasons why quality employee portraits will improve your company’s image!
How did your local supermarket cashier become an art student? I worked as a cashier in this big hypermarket for almost two years. As I was scanning the bar codes of milk, beer and pre cooked corn (I learned it’s barcode by heart because that sucker never scanned) I had loads of time to think. I remember one
My way to creative studies Cameras and family album photos have always been in my life as a true 90’s child. Few of my aunts were taking pictures at every birthday and celebration. I even had my own cameras and mom got my films developed. I must say the images are not great but I appreciate the support.